Editor's review
Maps provided by Yahoo can be downloaded by this tool and can be viewed offline.
Easy Yahoo Maps Downloader is a tool that can automatically download the Yahoo Maps images to your PC. This tool helps download small tiles. These could be stored in the local drives. These maps could be any or all of the normal maps, satellite maps and hybrid maps. The viewer that comes with this tool will let you look at the maps. It is possible to combine tiles to generate maps of a larger area. For example, is you needed a citywide map for your use that can be done very easily. The maps however could not be used for any other purpose other than personal; no commercial use is allowed. The viewer will let you zoom in and out as needed. With the trial version of this shareware you could only go to a zoom level of 13. On registration, higher levels are available.
When downloading map tiles, you could specify the left and right longitude as well as top and bottom latitude of the tile. You would need to specify the zoom level too. The tool will go and download all the standard tiles that fit in the area specified. The display area tells you exactly which tiles are downloaded. The map combiner has a simple dialog to get the job done. This has a simple and easy to use interface. It is intuitive enough that most users should get familiar with it quite easily. Getting productive with it should not take much time. This is a very good product. If you are looking for a similar solution, you should try it in your exact workflow.
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